Why We Do It
The answer to the question of why we do what we do and how we do it is both simple and profound. But let’s keep it both simple and short.

Honeybeeteacher LLC exists as a primarily educational small business because we love and respect the honeybees, other pollinators, and flowering plants. Although we do sell, trade, and gift others a relatively small amount of amazing local honey varieties each year, our purposes are not entirely focused upon generating massive profits. We earn our living mainly through teaching, consulting, and public speaking. Our approach to these important endeavors always tries to be humble and to remember that the bees are ultimately the best teachers.
I began beekeeping in 1991, and it has evolved into a life-long passion and a labor of love for Apis mellifera and for all the wonderful and beautiful things that she brings into this world: fruits, vegetables, beeswax, honey, propolis, bee venom, swarms, drones, queens, workers, foragers, and so much more. She brings us happiness and reminds us of our awesome responsibilities to each other and to the land and our home planet. The honeybee moves us closer to the heart of life and love, which are ongoing.